Thursday, June 9, 2011

Toddler Learning Bikes

Toddler learning bikes also known as balance bikes are a great toy to give your kids. They will be able to get some exercise but also it will help them learn to ride a bike. A toddler bike is pretty much the same as a bike except it has no pedals. Your children push the bike along with their feet kind of like a scooter.

With their feet firmly on the ground your children can learn at a pace that is comfortable for them. You will be surprised with how quickly they will progress and start lifting their feet and commiting their weight to the seat. With a toddler bike their is no anxiety about crashing because they always have their feet touching.

Even after they transition to a regular bike your kids will still enjoy their toddler bike. These bike are light and agile and are easy for children to use on any terrain. Plus because they can stop and go so quickly and easily they can even use these bikes inside (with close supervision of course).

Most bikes range in recommended age from about 3-5yrs old. Some go down to 2 years and some go as high as 6 years really it comes down to height and weight. If they are tall enough to straddle the seat and are under the recommended weight limit than they should have no problems.

Some parents have even gotten a little creative removing the tires from the rims to lower the height of the bike. There is a video of a boy who is about 1 year old who is already walking along with his bike. Although he may be a way from using it as intended you can see he is already enjoying himself very much.

There is no need to worry about finding the right one because there is a wide variety to choose from. The average bike is going to cost you around $100.00 and should be of use to your kids for several years. These bikes require very little maintenance aside from maybe occasionally lubricating it and keeping it out of harsh weather e.g snow and rain.

My neighbor purchased a bike made by Prince Lionheart and that is the one I will be getting for my daughter when she is a little older. It is made from wood and has a black seat and black tires and rims. I find it to be a very attractive design and seems well built. His son has so much fun on it and they take it everywhere.